
Jang-Sik Lee, Ph.D.


Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Mueunjae Chair Professor (무은재석좌교수)

Tel. +82-54-279-2153

Fax : +82-54-279-2399

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  - Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul National University, KOREA, February 2002.

  - M.S. in Metallurgical Engineering, Seoul National University, KOREA, February 1999.

  - B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering, Seoul National University, KOREA, February 1997. 


  - Mueunjae Chair Professor, POSTECH (June 2019~present)

  - Professor, POSTECH (September 2017~present)

  - Associate Professor, POSTECH (February 2013~August 2017)

  - Associate Professor, Kookmin University (March 2011~January 2013)

  - Assistant Professor, Kookmin University (March 2006~February 2011)

  - Senior Research Engineer, Samsung Electronics (2004~2006)

  - Director's postdoctoral fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA (2002~2004)

  - Brain Korea 21 Postdoctoral fellow, Seoul National University. (2002 ~ 2002) 

 Competitive honors/ awards 

  - Outstanding Graduate Thesis Award, Graduate School of Seoul National University, 1999.

  - Applied Materials Semiconductor Paper Contest Award (2nd winner), 2001.

  - SNU Graduate Student Awards in Materials Research, 2001.

  - SNU Graduate Student Awards in Materials Research, 2002.

  - Director's postdoctoral fellowship, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2002~2004.

  - KOSEF R&D 50 Award (September, 2008)

  - National R&D 100 Award (December 5, 2008)

  - 2010 MRS Fall Meeting Best Poster Award (December, 2010)

  - KIEEME Best Presentation Award (June, 2011)

  - 2012 KCS Best Poster Award (February, 2012)

  - KIM Best Poster Award (April, 2013)